
Optimizes Your Website for other Search Engines (Beyond Google)

Have you ever measured your keyword ranking in the Yahoo, Bing, and Baidu search engines?

Probably not!

I am sure you are optimizing your website just for Google bots. No?

In this article, I will discover the opportunities for your website beyond Google.

Whenever you begin with a website you probably like to install a search console attribute into your website header.

What does it mean?

It means you are likely to optimize your website for the Google search engine.

Why does almost every folk choose Google to apply its promotional marketing strategy?

Google dominates the market, value, and customers as well as users.

If you compare the matrices among the search engines then this result you will get:

Search engines share the market:-

  • Google market share – 92.71%
  • Bing market share – 2.32%
  • Yahoo – 1.59%
  • Baidu market share – 1.06%

Google is a game player in the online internet world whereas other search engines are just children in the front of it.

Around 90% of internet users move around Google.

Rest all things have been cleared for you.

That’s why you always fancy the Google search engine to explore your website and raise revenue.

Why you should optimize Your Website other than Google search engine because other search engines are less competitive than Google.

You can place your website page easily through a simple marketing strategy.

You can get the traffic from that country in which a particular search engine is being searched.

Like Baidu, the Chinese search engine is only used in China. You can sell your product in China. No need to learn Chinese if you are from an English country like the UK or a Hindi country like India. Baidu works in approx 90 languages.

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In other search engines, the ranking algorithms and procedures are not as difficult as Google’s.

In Google, big brands have listed their websites so it is quite difficult to beat them. (It may be time-consuming or costly) Look at your Products and target audience at the same.

In case you are not gaining your goals, it means now is the time to find different things beyond Google and its partners’ websites.

Maybe Yahoo can deliver the right audience that suits your products, unlike Google.

Maybe duckduckgo is being used in your nation or geographical area.

You May Read: How to Embed Google Reviews on Website

Major Search Engines Except for Google

Baidu Search Engine

Baidu is a leading search engine in the Chinese geographical area.

Like Google works in the USA and major parts of the world, Baidu works in China and offers the same products (anti-virus, news, video, maps, encyclopedia) and services as Google. This search engine earns profits from the users’ paid advertising activities.

Three major SERP features of Baidu:

  • Baidu Space
  • Baidu Patent Search
  • Baidu Baike
  • Unique SERP features

More than 75% of Chinese users are utilizing this Baidu search engine. Now is the time to get your website listed and optimized for the Chinese search engine Baidu.

Implementing SEO for top rankings in Baidu is no cakewalk. Need an ultimate strategy to be ranked in the Baidu SERP.

Key points need to be followed to optimize a website for Baidu:

  • Baidu has its webmaster tools like Google so sign up for this tool.
  • Workout on mobile SEO
  • You can list your business in the local business without having Chinese Contact numbers.
  • Make your website mobile-friendly
  • Perform technical SEO Activities as you do so for Google.
  • You may wonder why Baidu offers the same disavow tools to separate irrelevant links
  • Create high-quality content for the website in the Chinese language.
  • Launch a strong link-building approach for Baidu.
  • Utilize strong meta description (it is a Ranking factor for Baidu, not Google)

Founded – January 18, 2000

Demographics Use – China


Bing Second largest search engine in the world after Google and is owned by Microsoft. Bing was discovered by Microsoft on 3 June 2009 onwards. Around 2.32% of people (United States, Brazil, Canada, Latin America, and India) employ this search engine for their respective queries.

According to Statista, Bing is used by searchers 33% in the USA, 3% in Brazil, 17% in Canada, and 5% in India.

Produce a ranking strategy for Bing

  • Start with the XML sitemap for Bing.
  • Build a powerful on-page presence including Meta tags, robots, contextual keywords, and phrases in the content.
  • Develop link building (Get links from Bing-webmaster indexed websites).
  • Click Signals Matter in Bing for accuracy.
  • Upvotes matter for answer ranking on forums.
  • Understand the Bing search algorithm – Space Partition Tree And Graph (SPTAG)                                      
  • Rest all SEO strategies are as same as Google.

Founded – 3 June 2009

Demographics Use – worldwide

Available in: 40 languages


1.59% of folks in the internet world use Yahoo as their custom search engine. As Google has a separate crawler named Googlebot, Yahoo also has a personal bot named “Slurp” so do not use black hat SEO.

To optimize your website for Yahoo, you need to submit your website for Bing and Yahoo because both search engines are powered by Microsoft and Microsoft has the same regulations for both engines.

Yahoo separately does not offer any tool to get your website indexed in Yahoo search.

Yahoo SEO

Lower competitive markets can be beneficial for you but searchers are also in low numbers. No need to be afraid, yahoo does not contain any dominating algorithms like Google and Bing.

If you have optimized your website for Bing then it will also work for Yahoo means no distinct optimization for Yahoo.

Founded – 2 March 1995

Demographic uses – worldwide

Current situation – Yahoo has become the miner and additional part of the Bing search engine.


Honestly, I also planning to optimize and index my blog into Duckduckgo SERP.

This search engine is considered better than Google in terms of relevancy as it produces results based on queries without extracting cookies and caches.

It has also a spider bot to maintain the performance itself named DuckDuckBot.

Transparently, DuckDuckBot does not interface too much with the websites as Google does.

As of now, this internet-powered search engine does not collect your personal information like Google. And also work on the privacy protection of users.

SEO for Duckduckgo

No separate tasks to get indexed on a website. When you submit to other search engines your website will be recognized by DuckDuckBot.

Simply follow SEO optimization tasks as you are doing for Googlebot.

Founded – 2008

Area Served – Worldwide


Is it the next search engine?

Yes, we can say FB is a social media platform but it is a search engine too.

FB has the potential to defeat Google and other search engines.

FB serves you differently as you can easily make a connection path with other users in whichever location they are staying.

As of 2023, FB has 2.9 billion users.

Mainly three main segments where you can approach the audience and increase brand awareness. Images, videos, and text could be found for a query on FB.

  • FB profile
  • FB groups
  • FB pages

Key Points to follow

  • First off, no need for optimization for the website.
  • Utilize free marketing features like sharing, posts, messages, and call to action buttons, and so on.
  • You can opt for Facebook advertising like creating lead generation campaigns, remarketing campaigns, impressions campaigns, and catalogs for an eCommerce store. 

Founded – February 2004


YouTube is a video search engine, the second most used App in the world after Google.

Also, it comes as a built-in application for Android smartphones. You are not given the feature to delete this video-sharing platform. Now, It has become a subsidiary of Google Inc.

Utilize this tool to grow your business

  • Launch a YouTube channel that can be relevant to your website or something else.
  • Create videos to help the viewers.
  • Craft title tags descriptions and links to the website.
  • Google also produces video results in which in most cases YouTube videos could be found.
  • Learn to optimize your videos for Google SERP.
  • No guidelines are available for a website for YouTube.

Founded: 14 February 2005

Total users – 2 billion logged-in monthly users


Do you consider Pinterest as a search engine?

If not, you should use Pinterest as an essential search engine.

Billions of folks always scroll through the Pinterest feed to discover new content ideas and information daily.

72% percent of internet users prefer to employ Pinterest to build backlinks and drive traffic.

If you are already running a Pinterest page you might see a Pinterest section as a referral traffic source in your Google Analytics account.

What to do on Pinterest?

  • Start, a Pinterest page naming yourself or your website name.
  • Publish alluring, informative, sharable, eye-catching Pinterest pins.
  • Follow ideal pin size – 600 x 900 Pixels from 1000 x 1500 Pixels.
  • Follow other pins and boards
  • Link to your website.
  • Do the activities frequently.


You need to monitor your customers’ location and business targets.

Unlike Google, other search tools have a smaller user base but you can gain something better performing over there.

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