
6 Tips for Choosing the Right Unmetered Bandwidth Dedicated Server

While hosting a data-intensive website during high traffic spikes, you can face network latency and downtime if bandwidth is insufficient. On the other hand, a low bandwidth connection can severely slow website processing speed and can affect your business and revenue.

Bandwidth refers to the data transfer capacity of a computer network in bits per second (Bps). A metered bandwidth connection gives you access to a specific amount of bandwidth.

Hence, if you want to allow for more traffic to go through at once and retain high speeds, you can switch to unmetered bandwidth. Unmetered bandwidth limits the maximum server speed, but the amount of data you can transfer is not limited.

In an unmetered dedicated server hosting plan, you get access to a server with no limitation on monthly bandwidth usage. It connects your network on a set port speed, allowing you to access the bandwidth on that port. Unmetered servers enable your dedicated server to use as much bandwidth as it needs to improve the dedicated hosting experience.

It ensures sustainably low latencies, zero packet loss, and no saturation even during peak hours. Unmetered bandwidth helps you host your application on a no-limit hosting platform for maximum speed and optimal performance.

Hence, you will not be affected by how much traffic your website gets in an unmetered bandwidth dedicated server. No matter how much data your site will transfer, you will not have to pay extra fees.

Hence, businesses and websites that get heavy traffic or spikes in usage or those anticipating scalability can switch to unmetered bandwidth dedicated servers.

However, choosing the proper unmetered bandwidth dedicated server solution among a horde of solutions available in the marketplace can be daunting. Here are a few things you need to consider to choose the correct answer.

Estimate Your Bandwidth Usage

You need to define and anticipate your bandwidth usage realistically. What do you require the unmetered bandwidth plan for? Is it to support your website during high spikes? Addressing the problem of poorly performing networked applications with unmetered bandwidth may prove to be ineffective. Instead, you can use effective traffic policing and WAN optimization to get the most out of your bandwidth.

However, if you want to achieve scalability and improve your website performance during peak times, it is advisable to contact an unmetered bandwidth service. Understand the precise nature of your bandwidth requirement to identify the use case and advantages of unmetered bandwidth in your dedicated server hosting plan. 

Unmetered is Not Unlimited

Unmetered bandwidth in your dedicated server hosting plan does not imply that you are purchasing unlimited traffic. It means that the amount of data you upload or download will not be measured.

However, it limits the maximum server speed. Unmetered bandwidth limits the traffic by time and throughput. Figuring out how much traffic you will likely use in a month will enable you to configure the plan correctly. 

Find the Right Provider

Choosing the right provider is of paramount importance. While selecting a supplier for an unmetered bandwidth dedicated server, ask them to detail what you can expect regarding traffic limits, data transfer speed, and pricing. Know what you are buying to ensure that it will meet your expectations.

Ensure that your vendor has reliable market experience and shares expertise in understanding your exact requirements. Check their credibility to determine the reliability of a dedicated server host. You can also refer to the feedback in the work portfolio to analyze the efficiency of their service.

Ensure That the Unmetered Hosting is Not Slow

Every bandwidth usage and hosting plan has its metrics. Pay attention to the traffic and bandwidth specifications while choosing an unmetered dedicated server. As it is limited by server speed, you need to carefully analyze and determine if it will allow you to host your website seamlessly. Define the bandwidth speed you require and weigh it against the hosting plan to ensure that you will not face any latency. 


Ensure that the vendor protects all access points to the network and data on your unmetered bandwidth dedicated server. Identify if your unmetered dedicated server is centrally managed and fully encrypted. Installing firewalls, DDoS protection, and traffic monitoring solutions helps maintain the network’s security, stability, and reliability that passes through the server. 

Check the Limitations 

Review the terms and conditions of the service solution and Service Level Agreement that the vendor guarantees. Evaluate user policies to check if you will not encounter any prohibition while accessing a particular service of your unmetered bandwidth dedicated server.

It helps ensure that you will not be limited by the content or hosting services you run on your server. Identify if there is any limitation on high bandwidth operations before signing the agreement. 

To Conclude:

These are some of the critical factors you need to evaluate before settling down for an unmetered bandwidth dedicated server hosting plan.

Making an informed choice will ensure the optimum performance of your website so that you can continue running your business without any hassle.

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