Thinking about how to estimate the cost of eCommerce?

Here is the answer from the decade-old experienced web developer in India….

Normally, a customised eCommerce website may start somewhere around one lakh rupees in India. But, the same website may start from $5K if you’re recruiting a USA-based web development company or developer.

The website builder platforms like Shopify come with three different plans that are basic worth $29/ month whereas the Shopify plan costs $79/month. The advanced Shopify plan is the premium version that costs you $299/month. These packages may vary corresponding to the revision done by the platform itself.

These e-commerce website development cost plans would have more additions when you hire a web developer who may charge somewhere around $6 or more per month. So, you need to add thousands of dollars in upfront costs to these packages.

What it all means is that an IT consulting company or professional can share an exact idea about its total cost. He can easily assist on how to project its total cost.

As per our findings, here is the result of what we have come across. It covers some essential components together with their estimated price.

Cost as Per Vital Things of eCommerce Website

Here are the vital things that decide how much an eCommerce website costs:

eCommerce ComponentsUpfront Cost (in between) (approx.)
Domain$12 and $60
Web Hosting$35 and $500+
SSL Certificate$0 and $200
Web Template/ ThemeUpto $200
Backend Development$20 and $25K
Website Content$10 and $10K
Apps IntegrationUpto $100+
SEO Integrity$5 and $600
Digital Marketing$90 onwards

Easy Tips to Determine eCommerce Website Cost

Before moving ahead with some vital tips, let it be clear that there is no standard way to estimate how much an e-shopping website costs. Every business comes with unique goals and visions, which guide exactly what components you need. This way, you can compute costs accordingly.

To start with, it’s better to figure out how much of each item you would require for your website to go up and running. Think beyond your competitors if you want to stand out from the crowd while estimating all these things.

Here is a set of a few questions that can let you think about the estimates. Once decided, you may further the process by determining the price from multiple developers.

Do You Have Hosting?

You need the name of your e-store to be registered. It is a collection of files and databases that are meant to serve your visitors during a web journey. The hosting ensures reserving space for your e-store & its database.

Find an appropriately-priced host if you don’t have any domain hosting.

What Should You Expect from Your CMS?

The Content Management System (CMS) is an application used to manage and publish your web content. There can be multiple users to create, edit and publish without any need for a web developer.

Select the one that proves the best fit for your business. Having a lot of versatility and functionality can be great for your business.

If you just want to add a product now and then, its basic version will work best for you.

How Much Control Do You Want to Give to Your Users?

Giving a lot of control to users can be needed for personalization.  It is advantageous to have multiple users and each one is organising files and folders. What it all means is that it ensures sharing ability that de-loads work and personalises the experience.

For this purpose, you should go for maximum functionality and database integration. 
On the flip side, minimal control would require only storing usernames and passwords to access information.

What Type of Design You Want?

A web design is not just a frontend, but the face of your eCommerce. So, think wisely when you are likely to get it designed. To stand out from the competitors, you need a distinguished design that is capable of meeting world standards.

An affordable template will be ok if your goal is simply selling and competing.

How Many Product Pages Do You Want to Offer?

This is one of the foremost questions. If you have a ton of products to sell, keep their count in mind while buying the space online. For selling a few products, you may downgrade the requirement accordingly.

How Many Text-Only Pages Do You Require?

The regular version of web pages perfectly fits the text-only requirements. It lets screen readers read the text and ignore graphical elements unless there is any ALT text given. The different goals for online marketing like upselling and cross-selling will define the volume of these pages, such as how many pages do you need for text only.

If you are happy with your current clientele, no more text-only pages are needed.

How Long Should Your Text-only Pages Be?

After several pages, it is necessary to think specifically about your marketing goals. For online visibility and top ranking, your one page should have thousands of words.

On the other hand, just offering an answer to queries won’t need longer pages.

What Kind of Digital Marketing Do You Need?

For digital visibility, your webpages should be SEO-integrated, which stands for search engine optimisation. It’s the basic thing that you need for visibility, online traffic & ranking on Google, Bing or Yahoo.

To get outstanding results & leadership, you need to merge social media marketing, email marketing, Google Adwords and many other marketing efforts that can let you lead in your niche through all these marketing subsets. Optimise your web pages accordingly.

Should Your Website Have Database Integration?

Certainly yes, it is needed to ascertain customers’ information like name, email IDs and queries through CMS or any other alternatives.

There is no other option than opting for database integration.

Do You Need Website Maintenance?

Yes, you need it to smoothly continue your online business practices. A glitch in it can interrupt client or customer experience and the engagement would be low. This will certainly impact your overall web ranking in Google and online inquiries, leads, and conversions.

It’s like a cover that can help you to get rid of any bad experience related to your website journey.

Once you find answers to all these questions, it would be easy to assume how much it is likely to cost.


For an eCommerce development, one should know about how much it costs. Certain tips can help in assuming this cost.

Domain name or hosting, space, functionality, page counts, CMS, page length, maintenance and SEO or digital marketing features integrity define its actual cost.

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