
Print Media Trends That You Should Know

Is the print media becoming less and less common as time moves forth, and trends shift more towards the digital media? Maybe.

Many brands and companies appear to be turning to blogs, email marketing, video, and social media marketing to improve the sales of their products.

They may not be wrong in assuming that opting for the latest marketing strategies will get their sales higher, however, the printing press has its own unique set of benefits. Many companies would still consider the printing press in Dubai, to avail the importance of printing press.

Had the print media’s value been next to nothing, it would have died a long time ago. Print media is still around and for the right reasons. Many companies would still want to stick to print marketing, that is the traditional means of marketing. The originality of the brand is represented through print marketing, which brings visibility to your clients, and helps build trust. 

Print media trends are not an exception to evolution, and their importance is being recognized by numerous brands. As more brands are turning to virtual advertisements, the best way to stand out in your business is by opting for a marketing strategy that may be traditional and old fashioned. But the originality of print media is what will make your brand’s name appear unique and distinct from the rest.

The rising trends in the printing industry are not only becoming more popular among renowned companies but many companies are starting to consider virtual marketing too clichéd. Which means an increased demand in promotion through print media. Print media is no longer obsolete and you can make most out of it which will help you build your clients’ trust and confidence.

Newsletter Revival

Print marketing is cheaper and more effective than virtual marketing. Since print marketing is not as much in demand as it once used to be, the prices may have gone down but its effectiveness has increased dramatically.

It is extremely easy to advertise scams via virtual marketing, however, through print media potential customers are provided with complete visibility of the product. They are not only saved from scams as the print media is cautious about what they are printing in the newsletter column, but they can put their trust in the brand, provided they are given every bit of information.

Certain times, advertisements through virtual marketing can leave people confused as to what the objective behind the company is. Newsletters provide readers with all the information required for the readers to know about the brand.

Incorporate Virtual Advertisements

As virtual marketing trends are on the rise, the print media is not lagging very far behind. The sales of newspapers may have gone down as everything is now available on the screens that stay in our hands 24/7. But using the print media to advertise your products, can serve to be of great benefit to your company.

Newspapers and magazines have websites, applications as well as social media channels to update their subscribers. People sign in digitally to get access to their favorite newspapers.

The sales of magazines may have reduced, however, the readers are increasing day by day. Renowned magazines and newspapers are seeing that people are subscribing more to keep themselves updated on the latest trends, gossip, and news.

Newspapers are very much in trend, except more digitally now. Marketing is made far easier as more people will know of your brand through ads in the newsletters, which they can get access to for free via digitized print media.

Offer Promo Codes and Discounts

Nothing catches the attention of a reader more than discount proposals or coupon codes. Newspaper or magazine readers will become more intrigued after learning about your offering and would be interested in buying your product.

Not only will you attract new customers this way but they will turn to be your loyal customers and purchase more often. You will notice a significant rise in the sales of your product, all thanks to the print media. Adding internet redeemed coupon codes will help you track what your customers are interested in buying. This way you can modify and upgrade your products considering your clients’ interests.

Customized Packaging

There is far more to print media than just newspapers and magazines. The printing press is responsible for all the printed advertisements you have ever come across, from flyers to paper cups with the brand’s name printed. Advertising to the print media is made easier as marketing through innovating packaging is now the top trend.

A company can sponsor a certain event and offer to supply paper cups, plates, etc. with their brand name printed. They can offer unique and innovative packaging to other brands that are more or less related to their business, with whom they can establish a benefiting healthy relationship.

Innovative printing companies also offer custom packaging solutions to small and mid-size enterprises. This helps small and mid-size businesses compete with more well-known brands for consumer attention, especially in the world of social media and visual content.

Personalized Giveaways

When it comes to customization of items, you don’t have to limit yourself to plastic/paper cups or flyers and posters. You have tons of options to offer customized gifts to your loyal or new customers so that they feel encouraged to purchase more from your brand.

Customized objects such as drinking mugs, decoration items, t-shirts, etc. are a real treat for consumers of your brand. They get a sense of trust and would be interested in buying more products from you in the future seeing how well you treat your customers. Customized items are becoming the latest trend of the era, as more and more companies are seeking to avail of this opportunity regardless of how big their business is.

Customized objects effectively attract more customers, as who wouldn’t say no to free items. By opting for the marketing strategy of personalizing print pieces you would benefit yourself more than you would anticipate. Not only will your customers turn to loyal customers, but giving out personalized items, more people in their gatherings and contacts will come to know about your brand. This is an effective advertisement for your brand and will surely get you more customers.

Schedule Your Publications

By making a contract with a magazine or newspaper about publishing your brand every week, you will establish an organized marketing strategy. This way you can put up new content to keep your customers and followers curious and remain interested in your brand.

You can put an interesting article to read for the customers or recipe ideas, you can even devote the column to children’s games such as Sudoku, or a coloring sketch. There are myriads of ways for you to come up with innovative ideas that will spark the interest of the readers. 

Keeping your publishing scheduled will help your customers keep track and they would know when to expect a newly published item, so they don’t miss out. Introducing engaging activities will help you gain the trust of your customers, as they would feel more participated and you can even give them a shout out in your next publication.

Offering discounts through such games to a few lucky winners will help you attract potential clients which will further turn to be your loyal customers.

Feature Customer Stories

Encouraging your customers to submit stories with their experience with your brand is an older version of providing reviews. Featuring such stories on your newsletter column will help you attract more customers.

You can even offer discounts to your loyal customers, provided that they submit a success story that relates to your business. This way your clients will become more engaged with your brand and more people would want to participate in the competition. They would be pushed to buy products from your brands and share their story too. You can offer incentives to a few clients with the best stories, which will help your brand build trust and confidence in your company.

Feature Your Own Stories

Blogging is a creative marketing strategy to give your customers an insight into your brand. It brings transparency and helps build trust. Blogging can be done virtually through websites and applications, but the same can be applied through press media.

You can provide your customers with weekly stories that relate to your brand or are sponsored by your brand. The stories can be sequential which is followed by one another. Readers will remain intrigued and would look forward to the next publication.


Do not underestimate the progress of the print media and the myriad of benefits it provides numerous companies. With the rise in virtual marketing means, a lot of companies attribute their success to the traditional printing marketing media. It has helped a lot of companies rise to the top and be ahead of their game as the printing press allows companies a unique solution to advertise their product.

There are numerous ways as stated above to incorporate creativity while making use of the printing marketing strategies. They don’t always have to be traditional and simple. The latest trends in the printing press can assist you to take your business on a straight road to success.

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