Customer testimonials have a very realistic vibe. Today, the market is saturated with all kinds of advertisements and hence companies keep trying to come up with new ideas. A customer testimonial video is a video advertisement of a regular customer who describes his positive experience with your product.

Other customers who watch your video testimonials can easily relate to another regular customer who has used your product and describes his personal experience. Earlier, companies promoted their products by paid advertisements done by celebrities.

Though this idea did click for a few years, later, the audience began doubting the substantiality of such ads. These customer testimonials are easier to believe and also follow.

But to make their testimonials more engaging and more impactful, there are various tips you can resort to. These tips help you create powerful video testimonials with better chances of converting leads into sales:

Short and Sweet:

People’s attention span has become very less today and so has their patience level. No one is ready to watch a very long video in which a person goes on and on praising the product. You should come up with impactful one-liners or short incidents that instantly hit the bulls-eye.

Around 90 minutes is considered the ideal length of a customer video testimonial video with the first 30 seconds to establish a connection with the person speaking in the ad and the next 30 seconds describing the problems faced. The last 30 seconds only should speak about your product.

Relatable and Human:

Videos that are more believable, relatable and human have better chances of being appreciated and followed. Have a script in easy to understand language. Use a background and personal experience stories that are common amongst people and lastly, ensure that the person acting in your ad is just a normal customer.

Use the Right Backdrop:

This goes as a no-brainer, but if you just record your video in a closed room with no images or videos of the person using the product, you might not be able to create an impact. For example, if you are promoting a washing detergent, you have got to show the customer washing clothes and apparently happy with the results. Use images and videos of past poor experiences along with a genuine and relatable storyline.

Use the Right Soundtrack:

Do not use a soundtrack that is too loud and blaring. Soothing music always creates the right impact. Your motion graphics and soundtracks should match with each other. Do not underestimate the power of a customer testimonial video. These should be shot as well and with all the right backgrounds as you would in a film. Only then the audiences would be impacted by the video.

Shoot your Own Videos:

Sometimes, random videos have the most impactful appeal and trust factor. You can shoot some random customers who have been using your products and ask them to speak without any prior rehearsals about what they feel about your product. You can always hire a professional video testimonial production company to make the final edits and polish the video a bit.

Shoot your Own Videos

Hire a Professional Video Company:

If you do not have the time or knowledge to shoot your videos on your own, you can also hire a video testimonials production company to shoot your videos. Let them know your requirements. You can browse through their earlier list of videos to ascertain what kinds of videos you need yourself.

Use people who have been Happy Customers of your Products

If you ask people who have had previous good experience of using your product, as they can create better videos. They would have a totally different personal experience to relate to, one that you cannot script. This increases the chances of having a very genuine script that the audiences will love.

Get Prior Approval from the Authorities

This can come as a big shock or wastage of money when you later realized that your video has some content or graphics that are not allowed by the legal teams. After you have made a rough script, it is always better to take permission from the legal departments to proceed with the shooting.

Never Shoot Many People Together

If you want to club the experiences of two or more people together in your video testimonial, instead of having them all sitting together in a group, it is better to shoot them separately and then blend the segments in your final edited video. This will bring more variety in a video and also not confuse the viewer.

Ask the People About Their Reviews before you Begin Shooting

Shooting random videos does not mean that you pick up anyone walking on the street and start shooting. You need to first ask them whether they use your products and then also take their consent in shooting a customer testimonial video for you. After you get their permission, you should ask them about what they plan to speak about. Later, be prepared to shoot the rough draft. Request the customer not to speak about any negative aspects of your product, if any.

See if you can Share a Social Message Along with the Video

If your product does any benefit to the society, environment, health, beauty, knowledge, etc., then make sure that you add these points in the video. Such videos do strike a chord and encourage people to use your products for the betterment of the society, themselves and also for the environment.

These above-mentioned tips are very impactful if you want to create a powerful customer testimonial video that has more chances of converting leads into sales. Once you have a powerful video testimonial, your next plan of action should be to market it well. As everyone today is on social media, posting your video on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc will get you more viewership. If customers are happy with your video, they will further share it and this way, millions of people can watch your video.

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