
How Do You Repair a Scratched VR Headset Lens?

The most delicate part is where your eyes are located on a VR headset. Regardless of the kind, these lenses are made of plastic or glass and are difficult and expensive to replace. Your headset likely has some scratches if so many friends, family members, or even children use it. But don’t worry. You have many solutions to repair your VR headset effectively.

To fix the scratched VR lens, clean the VR lens with a compressed air can. Then, either use toothpaste or scratch remover solution to remove the scratches. If this doesn’t help, learn about your VR headset’s warranty coverage to get your device repaired for free. Otherwise, you can also get professional VR repair service.

Keep reading to learn more!

Steps For Repairing Scratched VR Headset Lenses

Here is the step-by-step guide to make the VR lenses work properly.

Make Sure Everything Is Clean First

Ensure your headset’s surface is clean, especially the affected lenses, before we start the VR headset repair process. For this step, you will need alcohol or antibacterial pads, a can of compressed air, and a dry microfiber cloth. Here is what to do next:

  • Use compressed air that can remove all the dust and debris from the little spaces your cleaning pads won’t reach.
  • Use alcohol or antibacterial pads, clean your headset, and be careful 
  • Use a dry microfiber towel to dry your VR headset, and wipe the lenses gently. 

Repair Options

It’s time to consider your repair options for repairing the VR headset’s scratched lenses.

Using White Toothpaste

For repairing scratched lenses in your VR headset, you will need a moist paper towel, a dry microfiber cloth, several Q-Tips, and white toothpaste for this repair option.

  • Apply a layer of white toothpaste on your lenses once your device is clean and dry.
  • Use your first Q-tip and distribute it evenly.
  • Wait for a minute or two to settle.
  • Apply a light circular motion with your next Q-Tip, concentrating on the regions you know are scraped.
  • Check out the other options above if you have been rubbing for over three to five minutes and noticed no effect.

Some mess will be created when you remove the toothpaste residue with your microfiber cloth. If your toothpaste has been stuck in the crevices, feel free to use a sanitized Q-Tip or an air compressor to assist you in clearing these areas. 

Scratch Remover Solution

If the thought of putting toothpaste on your VR headset bothers you and you can afford to invest a little more money, there is a solution for scratches and scuffs. Although it’s mostly used to remove scratches from cars, people also use it to remove scratches on VR headsets, with impressive results. It is much more efficient than toothpaste and requires less effort.

Here is what to do:

  • Apply scratch remover solution to your lenses after ensuring your VR headset is dry and clean.
  • Apply a light circular motion with the Q-Tip, concentrating on the regions you know are scraped or scuffed.
  • Test the area and remove a small amount of toothpaste using your Q-Tip. If the results meet your expectations, proceed to the following step.

Have you finished scratching, or do you have to clean up? It will create a little mess, so remove your microfiber towel and remove the solution residue. Use an air compressor or a clean Q-Tip to clean the holes if your scratch remover solution has become stuck.

If The Scratches Are Too Deep For Diy Fixes, You’ll Need To Check The Warranty For Your Device

If you can’t remove the scratches because they are too deep to be removed, you should see the warranty information of the brand from which you purchased your VR headset.


We hope you have all settled in and your VR headset is now scratched-free. With these steps, you can easily fix this scratched lens issue.

However, another option exists if the process is too difficult for you. You can contact the VR headset repair experts at Cell N Tech for quality, quick, reliable repairs with an excellent warranty.


How do I repair my VR headset?

Black screens, warped images, stuttering, lagging, drifting, or crashing are common VR headset issues. You can restart your VR device and software, update your drivers and firmware, disable any antivirus or background apps, or use another USB port or HDMI connection to address these issues.

What are the 3 benefits of VR?

It builds dynamic, immersive environments that imitate real-world situations, increase empathy, and promote learning—all advancing industries, including entertainment, healthcare, and education.

Can a VR be repaired?

You can replace or repair the screen and lenses on your VR headset if you have problems with distorted or unclear images or if the screen is broken.

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