IoT, or the Internet Of Things, has spread all over the globe. From a minuscule watch to big supercomputers, the IoT network is ever-spreading and constantly evolving with the help of the internet.

The simplest explanation of IoT is machinery that can provide data and information connecting with the internet. An IoT device must have a data connection with WiFi access, or an implanted SIM card, which connects that device to the internet to attain pre-programmed tasks.

Any tasks requiring an infinite information pool to proceed can be operated with the internet. From electric fans to refrigerators, from voice control devices to television, from soil examiners and everything device you can think of.

As the IoT network is going to get bigger, the essential concepts to learn about IoT are constantly increasing. So, let us help you understand some unsung facts about IoT development. Stay tuned!

1. Did You Know That Smart City Devices Happen to be the Biggest Stakeholder in the IoT Industry?

Yes, shocking but true. Smart City Technology holds the largest market share in the IoT industry, following healthcare and consumer product IoT technologies.

Smart City Technologies, or the concept of a smart city, is something setting its base alongside our everyday life. Shortly, the Smart City formation rate will increase, and there will be less difference between urban cities and two-tier cities.

You’ve heard terms like Smart Home and Home Automation with IoTs, but Smart City is something new. Let’s understand it.

Smart Cities are IoT-enabled cities that use devices like sensors, smart utility meters, smart electricity grinding systems, and intelligent waste management systems to improve public lifestyle, financial savings, and urban city issues.

Using Smart utility meters in buildings will increase energy efficiency and tracking energy, and waste management will help with environmental issues and recycling. Smart electricity grid systems are IoT-enabled grid systems that support efficient power supply from points of generation to the power of consumption.

Proving an edge over traditional electricity systems, smart grid systems with smart utility devices manage the total electricity consumption providing cost-effectiveness.

IoT development companies should invest their energy and budget towards serving Smart City development. Consumer technologies will undoubtedly increase with time, but it’s time to point marketing strategies toward innovative city-related IoT development.

2. It’s Surprising, But IoT is Older Than the World Wide Web

Whether IoT development seems updated or not, the first IoT development venture was established in 1981.

To find out if the Coke machine had enough drink limits and its temperature, engineers invented a text-based interface connected to the internet. They developed relevant sensors and jacked that coke machine with the internet. With the internet address of the Coke machine, people from anywhere can check the Coke machine’s status.

The exciting thing is that IoT implementation was invented years before WWW took place.

Many years have passed, and IoT has reached an unimaginable place, but the motto of IoT is simple, to reduce human effort and make the world a better place.

3. Powerless IoT Devices are on the Verge of Development

Though innovating an ARC reactor will take ample time, let’s keep it for the future; innovators have already ventured into Powerless IoT devices to improve human lives. The greatest innovators are now working behind this technology.

‘Powerless’ IoT devices solve the problem of constant electricity dependency. Solutions with ‘Powerless’ IoTs are WiFi devices, Smart Phones, PCs, and other valuable devices that require a recurring or non-recurring electricity supply.

However, ‘powerless’ means those devices will never thrive for battery, solar, water, or any electricity-related things without electricity. Instead, vibration, heat, and light-like energies will energize those ‘powerless’ devices.

An evolving IoT development must keep an eye on these technologies. They should focus on engaging in ‘powerless’ technologies and serve them with their IoT development services.

4. Smart Watch is Good, But a Smart Hair Brush is Excellent

IoT can be implanted into any devices humans work with, even into a hair brush. L’Oreal invented a more interesting hairbrush as it collects hair brushing patterns and other hair-related data to provide unique hair solutions.

As named ‘Hair Coach,’ this hairbrush uses sensors tracking brushing patterns and habits. The hairbrush uses a microphone to understand the user’s hair condition and through the hair sound waves, hair brush split ends, frizziness, dryness dryness-related problems.

After recording data through sensors, it gets uploaded to the cloud, and users can access the summary. Also, the collected data jumbles up, forming statistical hair audit reports accessible through the application. Even that hairbrush recommends shampoo and hair care products according to the user’s hair condition.

5. Did You Know That More IoT Devices Are Connected to the Internet Than Humans Since 2008?

Yessss… IoT technology is already surprising, but the most surprising fact is there are more IoT devices than the human population connected to the internet.

According to reports, there are more than 50 billion devices all over the world connected to the world, and it will go up to 75 billion in nearly ten years. Reports also reveal that since 2008, the total number of IoT devices left the human population behind by 10 billion. Artificial intelligence prevalence will take things to a higher level with more IoT devices installed into the internet system.


So, there are unsung things about IoT development that you didn’t know. More unsung facts are available that can’t be summarized in one blog post.

IoT development has more things to offer; the only matter is time and patience. Enough time and development ventures will meet us with new IoT opportunities and gadgets. Think of a future where you will live in a fully IoT-controlled world, where everything will be at a fingertip away.

Venture capitalists and current market situations provided enough liberty and freedom for IoT development companies. As per reports, the IoT industry will flourish up to 1 trillion in the next ten years with predictable technologies and no estimated upper limit for unpredicted innovations.

These IoT development facts will help an IoT development company to skill up its IoT development services. Also, these facts will quench the thirst of IoT enthusiasts.

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