
What is the Good Internet Speed for Gaming

When it comes to playing an online game, your internet speed makes a world of difference on the facet. For instance, you have probably seen this problem of your character using the gun a while after you’ve clicked the button.

So, what’s the problem, you ask?

Well, this problem usually occurs when your internet speed is working slower than usual. It, in turn, can increase the latency rate of the same and cause lagging while you are playing.

If you don’t have a decent internet speed, it will also be impossible for you to download a game from The proficiency of the same may decrease even more if the torrent file does not have an adequate amount of seeders.

So, how much speed do you need to do whatever you want to do on the internet?

Let’s find out.

Ideal Internet Speed For Gaming

The speed of your internet will depend on what you’re doing on your computer. For instance, if you’re only checking your email or browsing websites, having 10 Mbps of speed will be sufficient enough for you.

However, when you are streaming games or videos, you will need at least 50 Mbps of speed. If you want to get an unparalleled online gaming experience, opting for an internet pack of 80 Mbps will be perfect for you.

What About The Consoles?

In the previous section, we offered a general viewpoint about downloading or playing the game. However, in this segment, we will categorize the consoles a little more and let you know about the download speed accordingly. Let’s get started.

  • Xbox One: The latest version of Microsoft’s Xbox will require somewhere around 3 Mbps of download speed to work properly. On the other hand, if you want to stream the game, you will need around 5 Mbps of upload speed.
  • Nintendo Switch: Like Xbox One, Nintendo Switch will ask for the same download speed as a whole. However, as the screen is small, you can stream on this device with only a 3 Mbps or so uploading rate.
  • PlayStation 5: The requirement for PlayStation 5 will be a little higher than the ones we have mentioned previously. For example, the downloading speed here should be somewhere between 5-8 Mbps, while the uploading rate needs to be at least 7 Mbps.
  • PC Gaming: If you are downloading a game on your PC, you will need around 8-10 Mbps of speed. However, in the case of uploading, having somewhere around 5 Mbps would be ideal enough for your purpose.

How Do You Improve Your Online Gaming Experience?

Aside from having a good internet speed, you will also need to focus on a few other aspects. Here’s what you need to know about it.

  • To begin with, you will need to connect your console with a fiber-made ethernet. It’ll help in increasing the overall speed even more and ensure a smooth experience.
  • Use an online game server that’s closest to your hometown. For example, if you live in Atlanta, make sure to choose the NA server rather than the Asian one.
  • Make sure to turn off all of your other tasks, such as downloads or uploads, while playing. Otherwise, it might increase your latency rating.
  • If you are playing with a Wi-Fi router, try to keep it away from the wall or any restricted place where you are keeping it. It might increase the speed even more.
  • Try not to stream while playing if your internet connection is too slow. Otherwise, it may also cause lagging or problems in playing the game.

Final Thoughts

Is playing an online game your primary concern? In that case, we will ask you to opt for a pack that will offer the lowest latency to you. It might be a little too expensive for your cause, but the gaming experience you’ll get will be unreal.

Also, don’t forget to close all of your applications, downloads, and anything else as such while playing. They can take a large chunk of your data and increase the latency rate.

Anyway, now we’ll be finishing up this article. If you need any help or assistance, make sure to comment it down. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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