Dear Visitor,
Welcome to the digital portal ( We at TechPrate always looking for new and experienced writers, and content creators who all want to contribute articles and content to us or want to ‘write for us’.
The TechPrate is a destination for news consumption for everyone who is interested in reading tech news, trends, business ideas, updates, future tech articles, electronics, gadgets, cybersecurity, and many more.

The audiences include tech-savvy and non-techies belonging to multiple industries, which makes the TechPrate right place to post articles.
We are looking for a writer or content creator who can contribute to us (write for us) and have great expertise in writing and creating content about the internet, technology, digital trends, technology in business, information technology, mobile, gadgets, computer, social media, marketing, and apps, etc.
There is no limitation on how many articles or content one writer can submit to us (write for us). It completely depends on the writer’s time and schedule. You may enjoy sharing your ideas with the people in need.
If you are very passionate to share your ideas and tips with the digital community you can contact us through email and contact page regarding “write for us”.
Why Write for Us or Guest Post with us?
We really appreciate the great blogger, content creators, and businesses who want to post valuable content on our website. If you post your article on our website we will promote your content through our website and social media channels.
With the help of TechPrate, you can reach huge audiences who all are waiting to consume great technology content. You can write for us about technology, information technology, startup, business technology, gadgets, technology tips, and future technology.
Important Note for ‘Write for Us’
As of now, we are getting so many inquiries about the ‘write for us’ it might be some delay in replying to your query. So, you are requested to keep patience regarding your inquiry sent for “write for us”.
We don’t promise that your article will get published on our website, but to make sure your article gets published at, you are requested to read the guidelines carefully and follow them completely.
Important Topics Notes for “Write for Us”
We are looking for the types of articles and content on the below mentioned topics. Kindly read carefully and prepare great content on the same.
Application Reviews | Blog Marketing | Blogging Tips | Blogging Tools |
Business Ideas | Business Tips | Business Startup | Computer Hacks |
Content Marketing | Digital Life Tips | Digital Marketing or Online Marketing | Gadgets |
Inbound Marketing | Information Technology | Information Security | Instruction |
Internet Technology | Internet & Security | Make Money Online | Mobile Phones |
Mobile Technology | Online Business | Product Reviews | Search Engine Optimization (SEO) |
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) | Pay-Per-Click (PPC) | Smartphones Tips & Tricks | Social Media Marketing |
Software & Case Studies | Small Business | Technology News | Tech Tips |
Technology World Information | Web Design and Development | Web Hosting | WordPress Tips & Tricks |
The Rule for the Article/Content “Write for Us”
In order to get your articles published at, you have to follow the below guidelines completely before contacting us regarding ‘write for us’.
- The piece of content or article you are sending to us must be 100% unique and fresh.
- Make sure your article is free of grammar errors and should be well structured & specially written for
- The content you are submitting should be information-rich and useful for the people.
- The article should be your original work and not been publish anywhere on the internet.
- Once the article is published on our website you cannot use it anywhere else to re-publish.
- Articles should be free from copyright They must not be re-written for marketing purposes.
- The articles must be 1000-1500+ words or more in length and do not put unnecessary external links in them.
- Content must be focused on the subject. Do not put unnecessary things in the article to meet the word count.
- Do not put more than 1 link in the article. Make sure the links in the article are relevant to the subject.
- Links you are inserting must not be more than 1 link from a single domain. Add 1 high authority site link in the article. If found multiple links from a single domain it will be removed.
- If we found your link to be harmful (or not as per Google webmaster guidelines) for our website in the future your link will be removed without prior notice.
- We do link audit and if any links lead to an error pages like 404, 408, 500, server time out, etc. will be removed without prior notice.
- We reserve the right to edit, update, and delete the article to meet our requirements and content guidelines.
- We do not give any compensation to the writer for guest post submission.
- The article should be relevant and informative, also make sure it addresses the topic.
- If you provide infographics then you have to give a 300-350 words intro to represent the infographics.
- It is important you should check out the topics you are sending, published earlier or not on
- You should double-check that the facts, grammar, and spelling are correct in the article.
- In order to make the article more informative and relevant to our readers, you must add proper heading and sub-headings with proper graphics.
- You must use the perfect example to represent the subject correctly with relevant information and facts.
- The title of the article should be perfect as per the SEO guidelines.
- You can include the relevant images to better represent the topic. Make sure you share the copyright and rights of use.
- The article must be relevant to our website theme and relevant audience. We do not accept irrelevant content.
- If you add an irrelevant reference link in the article, it will be removed.
- Do not do keyword stuffing and avoid being promotional.
- You can send your articles in a word file or Google doc format only.
- We do not accept the article if it is already published on
- All the articles published at can be shared on our social pages like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.
- The article should be written for a specific purpose.
If you truly want to write for us you have to follow the content or article guidelines completely.
Avoid These in Order to Get Your Article Published at TechPrate
- Do not submit copied content to us
- Don’t send the irrelevant content
- Do not submit other’s work as yours
- Avoid sending content with grammar errors
- Do not send content without proper formating
- Don’t send the article for marketing purposes
How to Submit Articles?
If you have an article ready or want to present an article idea you can send an email at techprate[@] including the draft of the article. With the subject line “write for us”.
You should give quite enough information in the article so that we can understand the subject and check if the content is suitable for and its readers.
You can also reach us through our contact us page. Once you have shared your content idea or complete article with us. Give us some time to review your content idea and article, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you for visiting!